Traffic signal timers save fuel: CRRI

Newspaper: The Times of India
Date: 9th August 2016
Edition: New Delhi

Timers at traffic intersections are important to save fuel. According to the Central Road Research Institute (CRRI), which is doing an awareness campaign for its study on monetising fuel wasted at traffic signals, without these timers, it is difficult for motorists to keep track of time, leading to wastage of fuel.

“Drivers want functioning timers at traffic signals so that they can switch off their vehicle's engines whenever the red light is to last for more than 20 seconds,“ said a CSIR-CRRI scientist, who is part of the campaign.

The study, Evaluation of Economic Loss Due to Idling of Vehicles at Signalised Intersection and Mitigation Measures, is being carried out across various cities and in Delhi it is being conducted at Bhikaji Cama Place. It will continue till August 10.The study is being carried out in association with the Petroleum Conservation Research Association (PCRA).

The study seeks to find out the benefits of switching off vehicle engines at traffic signals. As part of the campaign, banners and placards were put up and pamphlets distributed to drivers at traffic signals.